Our articles
General terms of Sale
Any order placed on the Web site www.cuivreriedecerdon.com implies on behalf of the purchaser the acceptance of these conditions.
SARL the Copper factory of Cerdon
Le Village - 01450 Cerdon - France

Email: contact@cuivreriedecerdon.com
Capital: 40.000 euros
RCS Bourg-en-Bresse: 317 425 361
N° de Gestion: 79 B 281
Code APE: 287 P
VAT Intra: FR 32 317 425 361
The products suggested are in accordance with the actual French legislation. Our responsibility could not be committed in the event of no respect of the legislation of the country where the product is delivered.
It is up to you to check near to the local authorities the possibilities of importation or use of the products that you plan to order.

All the photographs, illustrations, descriptions and designations of this Web site are no contractual and no free rights. Consequently, the responsibility for the Copper foundry of Cerdon could not be committed in the event of error in one of these photographs or one of these texts.
Transfer of Property:
Clause of reserve of property:
Law 80-335 of May 12, 1980. The goods remain the property of the salesman until integral payment of the agreed price, even in the event of liquidation of property, bankruptcy proceedings and transfer of responsibility.
Intellectual Property:
All the texts, comments, illustrations and pictures reproduced on the site www.cuivreriedecerdon.com are reserved under the royalty like to the intellectual property in whole world.
For this reason and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of the Intellectual Property, only the private use is authorized subject to different provisions even more restrictive code from the intellectual property. Any other use is constitutive of counterfeit and sanctioned except preliminary authorization. Any total or partial reproduction of the site is strictly prohibited.
Price-list and shipping cost:
The Copper Factory of Cerdon can modify its price-list at any time without notice. (course of copper always in development)
All our prices are indicated in Euro (€) all taxes included out participation to the shipping cost and the packing.
The costumer promises to pay the selling price in force at the moment of the enter of his / her order.
All the orders whatever its origin are payable in Euro. The payment must be carried out in advance at the time of the order form sending to THE COPPER FACTORY of CERDON.

The shipping cost correspond to the postal service's price-list in force (registered mail) increased by 20 % (participation to handling charge).
The shipping cost appeared to the summarization of the order, before validation. It depends to the whole weight of the articles ordered and to the destination.
Availability of articles and delivery time
The Copper Factory of Cerdon does its best to keep in stock all the articles appearing on its web site. The articles, which are despite everything out of stock, are immediately taken out of the site till that there are enough of items.
In event of temporary unavailability of an article ordered, the Copper Factory of Cerdon informs the customer of this fact: except opposing opinion of the customer, formulated 5 workdays from the date of information sending by the Copper Factory of Cerdon for the orders at a distance, the order is renowned confirmed.
In event of unavailability of long time, the Copper Factory of Cerdon informs the customer of this fact: except opposing opinion of the customer, the order is considered as cancelled.

The Copper Factory of Cerdon promises to implement so as to deliver the order as quick as possible, and that, as soon as receipt of the order form.
The Copper Factory of Cerdon sends the articles registered on its web site in the 2 workdays following the receipt of the order by post, in way
"handling charge".
The delivery times indicated by the postal service are given by way of indication and the possible delays do not give the rights at the buyer to cancel the sell, to refuse the goods or to claim damages to the Copper Factory of Cerdon.
The Copper Factory of Cerdon is liberated of its obligation of delivery for all events unintentional or case of force majeure.
Comment: general strike or partial, the floodings as well as the fires are cases of force majeure.
Right of retraction:
In accordance with the article L121-16 of the Code of consumption, the customer have a deadline of 7 clear days from the delivery of his / her order to return products to the Copper Factory of Cerdon to make a swapping or a replund, without penalties except to the delivery price. Only the price of the product(s) bought will be refunded.
However, in event of parcel returned without have been opened, we refund the price of the product(s) and the delivery price charged.
The products returned have to be in perfect condition and package in its packaging hermetically sealed.
The quantities considered at the return will be those actually note, at the receipt, by our services.
Returns to sent to:
La Cuivrerie de Cerdon
Le Village
01450 Cerdon - France
Protection of private data:
All the data you trust us will allow to meet your orders as well as to strengthen and to personalize the communication with you.
We promise to treat this information in strict confidence.
In accordance with the law N° 78-17 of the 6 January 1978, concerning data processing, files and liberties; you have at disposal, near to the Copper Factory of Cerdon's Costumer Service, a right of access, consultation, modification, correction or suppression of the data communicated. In fact, all you have to do is to make a request on line or by mail.
The web site www.cuivreriedecerdon.com is enrolled near to the CNIL. (Declaration receipt N ° 1134068 of the 5 December 2005 and Conformity Commitment to the norm N ° 48 «Management of Customer Files and of Prospects» of the 10 July 2007, statement N ° 123356.
All orders placed commit the unconditional customer agreement to the Copper Factory of Cerdon's General Terms of Sales.
All disagreement concerning the selling (price, GTS, product ...) will be subject to French law before the bankruptcy court of Bourg-en-Bresse.
Guarantee and Customer Service Department:
All the products sold on our web site benefit from a guarantee which protects you against all manufacturing defects.
To use the guarantee of a product bought on our web site, remember to conserve your "Copper Factory of Cerdon" account.
All complaint will have to be transmitted the week following the date of order's receipt.
Cap On Line Réalisation